Monday, February 20, 2012

Celebrating Maddy

Happy Birthday to our wonderful Maddy! What a blessing you are...I love you!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

It's Kellerbell's Birthday

Happy Birthday to my Amazing, Brilliant, Creative, Dear, Eclectic, Fantastic, Grand, Humble, Imaginative, Jesus Lover, Kind, Loving, Magyar, Noble, Observant, Photo Taking, Quiet, Reserved, Shy, Talented, Uplifting, Vampire Fanatic, Wonderful, Xavier's Aunt, Youthful, Zoom Lens using, Daughter...Mama loves you. You are our Miracle...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Happy Belated birthday Elek! You have the first birthday of the year (January 2nd) and I didn't Post it...Yanny loves you. You are smart, funny and oh, so cute!

Happy Birthday Xavier

Last night we celebrated our Xavier's 6th Birthday. Time goes by so quickly...sigh.
Happy Birthday Xavier...Happy Birthday to you!